Untamed Signature Whisky
Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise
Crafted amidst the untamed beauty of the Canadian Rockies, Untamed Signature Whisky is a bold and unique expression of place, made exclusively for Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. The brainchild of Nils Schabert, who conceptualized the project from inception to completion—including the partnership, barrel selection, and design—this exceptional rye whisky is the result of collaboration with Banff’s renowned Park Distillery.
Aged within the pristine environment of Banff National Park, Untamed is the only whisky of its kind, embodying the rugged spirit and natural grandeur of the region. Schabert meticulously tasted and selected his preferred barrels before carefully blending and diluting the whisky with pure glacier water sourced from six glaciers in the Rocky Mountains. As the water flows down the Bow River, past Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise and into Banff, it gains a distinct minerality that adds clarity and authenticity to the final spirit.
On the nose, Untamed reveals layers of candied orange rind, dark chocolate, and black pepper, complemented by delicate notes of overripe plum. The palate delivers a beautifully balanced complexity, with cinnamon spice, wildflower honey, and hints of green fennel and crabapple. The finish lingers long after the last sip, evoking leather, tobacco leaf, and the subtle warmth of choke cherry mulled wine.
From its carefully curated concept to its thoughtful design, every detail of Untamed reflects Schabert’s vision to create a whisky that mirrors the iconic landscape of Lake Louise. Available exclusively at Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, this signature whisky is an invitation to experience the essence of the Rockies—refined, bold, and untamed.
Executed by Nils Schabert in his role as Regional Manager of Bars & Mixologist, Fairmont Western Mountain Region.